Wednesday, 20 May 2009

i got tagged!! by the lovely brooke of brookestyle365.

here we go:

what is your current obsession?
floral dresses and high-waisted shorts!

what are you wearing today?
my bro's vintage red "blood buddies" t shirt, a pencil skirt, tennis shoes.

what's for dinner?
steak..which i didn't like.

what are you listening to right now?
dead man's bones.

what do you think about the person who tagged you?
she's so awesome. i swear we would be good friends if we ever met. hahaha...i hope that doesn't sound creepy. anyway, her blog is amazing, and she always looks so put-together and cute and practical.

what are your must-have pieces for [here i'll insert summer, ha]?
i'm really into the 1940s right now, so anything that would go along the lines of that theme.

if you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
athens, greece. fo sho. i miss that city so much.

which language do you want to learn?
i want to (at least sort of) perfect my spanish, i want to learn french, and i want to learn arabic. whew.

what are your favorite quotes?
no idea, really...i always try to remember quotes i am inspired by or whatevz, but i never do.

what is your favorite piece of clothing in your closet?
either these amazing brown shorts that i bought last year and wear constantly, or a high-waisted mini skirt; it's one of the most flattering things i own.

what is your dream job?
elementary music teacher in nyc, maybe. hehe.

any favorite models?
oh my, i dunno...i'm such a bad fashion blogger haha, but really...i can't name them off.

favorite designer?
this is also really hard. they change from day to day. 3.1 Philip Lim today.

what do you consider a fashion faux pas?
the belief that you should stay away from risky colors or shapes. i find that people can pull of any color or shape of clothing or makeup and make it look great, if it's designed well. taking risks is one of the most fun things about fashion. this is what really annoys me about my city-none of the women take risks, therefore they all look the same. the men tend to look the same as well, but i see way more risk-taking men than women here.

describe your personal style?
this will take some major thought, haha. what i wear depends on the day-what i've been inspired by, if i have a particular item i want to wear, or the weather. i'm pretty sure it's impossible for me to follow trends-even if i try, the outcome is completely different. so i can't really put myself into any particular style genre, as my taste varies greatly (just look at my last inspiration post!). one thing i'm constant about, though, is that i love dressing up. no matter what, if i'm in heels and a dress, i'm comfortable.

what's the most expensive item you've ever purchased?
i believe it would be a $150 dress. i adore it.

what can you never leave the house without?
my phone, my eye makeup (thanks beth), and a smile. hehehehe. but it's true...i can't leave the house without being a little happy.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

posting will probably be done sparingly, if at all, this week, seeing as i have a big paper to write. sorry!

i think it's safe to say that everyone is ready for summer. i, personally, am looking forward to these things:

-picnics with a bunch of friends.
-waking up at noon everyday and deciding what to do.
-knowing that, if plans interrupt something today, you'll probably be able to do something the next day. or the next. or the next.
-being inspired by heat and a/c (oh yes!).
-having the option to NOT do anything.
-having the option to do something.
-wearing summer clothes.
-reading, constantly.
-eating, constantly.
-hanging out on my balcony.
-having parties.
-running. indoors.
-not having to put up with awful teachers and stupid kids.
-playing music, constantly.
-changing my outfit 3 times a day, just because.
-doing anything, just because.
-the general carefree-ness that goes along with summer.

i just really love summer. everyone complains of the heat (even i do), but i really don't mind it. it's worth it just to be out of school.

at the beginning of summer, i usually find a picture that epitomizes my ideal summer. haven't found it yet. but hopefully i will soon.

i will blog LOTS once i'm done with this paper. i promise. and definitely once summer commences.