Sunday, 10 May 2009

posting will probably be done sparingly, if at all, this week, seeing as i have a big paper to write. sorry!

i think it's safe to say that everyone is ready for summer. i, personally, am looking forward to these things:

-picnics with a bunch of friends.
-waking up at noon everyday and deciding what to do.
-knowing that, if plans interrupt something today, you'll probably be able to do something the next day. or the next. or the next.
-being inspired by heat and a/c (oh yes!).
-having the option to NOT do anything.
-having the option to do something.
-wearing summer clothes.
-reading, constantly.
-eating, constantly.
-hanging out on my balcony.
-having parties.
-running. indoors.
-not having to put up with awful teachers and stupid kids.
-playing music, constantly.
-changing my outfit 3 times a day, just because.
-doing anything, just because.
-the general carefree-ness that goes along with summer.

i just really love summer. everyone complains of the heat (even i do), but i really don't mind it. it's worth it just to be out of school.

at the beginning of summer, i usually find a picture that epitomizes my ideal summer. haven't found it yet. but hopefully i will soon.

i will blog LOTS once i'm done with this paper. i promise. and definitely once summer commences.


Burning Burgers said...

i am looking forward to all of that too.
i really want this paper to be over right now ... i hate it so much

brooke said...

sounds like a damn good summer! good luck with the paper

Sophie said...

I'm hoping my summer will be a memorable one aswell.

Mary said...

Good luck on the paper! I cannot wait for warmer weather, it it very average out here which is NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

brooke said...

you have a ragdoll! so damn exciting! ah how cool.


hannah said...

i love that list. picnics and waking up at noon are the best arent they?

brooke said...

hope the paper is going well!! when you return from hiatus, I have tagged you! here is the link:

hope you can do it!!
have a gorgeous summer
much love

Anonymous said...

biking biking biking biking biking!
it's just the best ever when it's a perfectly sunny not-too--hot day.
i found your blog through brookstyle and i really love it!
love maisie #2

Syed said...

I so can't wait for summer to come in full! And picnics are definitely in order once the sun comes out to play :) Haha, and yup, not doing anything would be bliss, just some lazy summer days.