Tuesday, 10 February 2009

an award? for me? you've got to be kidding.

but this is no joke. i am just such a wonderful blogger, huh. (even though i haven't posted a good post in a really, really long time, and i keep forgetting to comment peeps back and etc, etc)

i was granted the lemonade award by brooke!! she is a lovely blogger in australia who, despite only having had a blog since january (i think?), is already attracting many readers and 10+ comments per post, which she definitely deserves. she has great style, and i'm honored to receive this award. 

so apparently, this award is for blogs with "attitude and gratitude". eh, cheesy and i'm not sure what that exactly tells me (also, how does lemonade have attitude and gratitude?), but i'm very very glad! 

i'm now supposed to tag 10 bloggers...i read about 23987437 blogs, but a whole lot of them are big and intimidating and would never reply to my giving them an award, so i don't know who to pick yet...and i need to start/finish my paper..so...yeah. next time, eh?

1 comment:

brooke said...

youre so sweet, thankyou! you definitely deserve it :)

yeah, I started on new years day, haha. I am very lucky to have the "success" I've had :)

Thanks for being so awesome!

Much love
Brooke xx