aren't they lovely? and the way they're styled is just perfect. i love the fall looks page at kate spade. it's awesome, and makes me lust for the clothes even more. i think i love every single outfit! the first dress looks very edie sedgwick, which i love.
speaking of edie, arvida posted some pictures a while ago of her edie imitation...and they turned out really freaking well. i think i've talked about how much i strive to do edie-esque makeup and hair haha.

i start school on tuesday, so posting might be a little sparse for a short time. actually, scratch that...i'll post tomorrow, but after that, posting will be sparse.
Ah the kate spade collection is so good.
Such lovely pieces!
beautiful photos!
i looooooove black and white!! ♥
Gorgeous, and you're so right -- the styling in these pictures is perfect. That first little dress is too cute, but I also love the coat.
Back to school, eh? I'm off to uni next week so I know how you feel. :)
wow, the dresses are so beautiful! i understand why you were standing agape.
I agree, the kate spade collection sure looks good, there are some very good pieces
I absolutely love that first dress and what a beautiful coat! Hope you're having a lovely day :)
I am obsessed with Kate Spade. And I just got some yellow tights too. :)
omg, the look with the zebra coat...!!!
+ that's probably the best edie imitation I've seen yet. there are some pretty bad ones...
i agree, the collection soooo dangg good
More updates please:D
yes yes! my fav is the 2nd picture... Kate Spade is so my style! great post.
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