my school starts this tuesday, so i had a tri-annual-clean-out-my-closet-day yesterday. not too successful. but i did get rid of some very old pants, therefore making room for my newly bought jeans!!! that was a momentous occasion for me, because i have a reputation for never, ever wearing pants, especially jeans. i finally found about 3 pairs that really do fit me well, and i'll most definitely be wearing them.
jeans were on my list for fall. so were the wedges i showed a few posts ago. although the list will most likely keep growing as the weeks go by, the final things on my list are these boots...

i posted a similar pair before, but the ones above are cheaper, more detailed, and are geniune winklepickers. but i'm still not sure...these are unisex sizes, i guess (??)...while the others are women's sizes for sure. the jeffery campbell ones would definitely be the safe choice, but do i want safe? haha, i don't know. input?
another thing i really want is a really soft, huge cowl. there's an abundance of them on etsy, and i was looking for something on the cheap side, but it looks like i'm gonna have to spend a minimum of $50. of course, i'd love to have one of these, but unless i suddenly come upon a large amount of money, i won't be getting that. i'm willing to spend $100 on jeans and shoes, not on scarves that i'll only be able to wear for 4 months haha.
Those boots are really cool, they remind me of the logo for The Horrors a bit.
I'll tell you something though, winklepickers freaking hurt if you're planning on wearing them for more than 3 hours at a time.
Ooh those boots look so cool!! I only have a pair of normal winklepicker shoes, but I would love some boots too. And yay for cleaning out your closet! I still need to watch Inglorious Basterds, but I think I may just have to watch District 9 first. Hope you're having a beautiful day dear :)
d a pair like these on ebay and i wear them almost everyday.
One Love,
Very cool boots and not that expensive :) u should totally go for one
Ah so rad!!!
Ewww, Those would hurt so badly, But They would be good weapons! Were they used in Inglourious Basterds?
I saw Inglourious Basterds too! Such a great movie. I really loved it! You have an awesome taste in music too haha;)
dude, my comment's going to be SO long, but i don't care lmao
a) i STILL don't have humbug, and it's really bugging me. i am dyinggg for it!
b) one of my good friends tried to sneak into inglorious basterds the other day with his guy friends, and he claimed there were huge bodyguards by the door! lmao. poor thing, just a month shy of 17. he ended up seeing ponyo, which is still awesome (it was too cute :P). but, i'm glad you liked i.b. b/c being a tarentino fan, i'm desperate to see it.
c) i bought a TON of jeans recently b/c i needed them. i went to gap, and their new jeans are FANTASTIC! in loveeee
d) i think unisex sizes are men's sizes, so you should go 2 sizes down...but they're very cute!! i don't know which i would pick...these or the jeffrey campbell's. hmmmm...
e) word verification: ovenade. when life gives you ovens, make ovenade.
We're on the same boat. I want the Chelsea version of those boots, but I don't know if I should get them...the leather doesn't look very good, don't you think?
Oh man, I just watched Inglourious Basterds last night and absolutely loved it! Amazing movie, yes!
Those are just really cool! Wish I had a pair like those!
I want those boots now!
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