i can't remember where this picture is from, but these girls are just perfect.

the new lyell collection is perfect. and i mean PERFECT. it's so...me. haha.

can anyone tell me what this picture is? it looks like it's taken from a runway..but i have no idea from what designer. it's such a lovely look though.

i love this girl's hair. very 20s. unfortunately, that will never happen with my hair.
speaking of hair, i like when guys have really REALLY great hair. like this guy:
both pictures above are from vanessa jackman
love, lydia
Ah love the shorts.
Ah 1920's hair, its so pretty but so hard to do. One day i'll master it!
I wish it was still warm enough to wear shorts too :/
Lovely stuff!
I do love Lyell.
Love all these looks! Thanks for posting!
wowoww, i love when boys have nice hair too! and that girl's hair is AWESOME. that can't happen with my hair, because it's way too thick. hmm.. oh well.
thank you for your good luck wishes! i definitely need it.. my procrastinating has gotten out of control!
I agree about those girls, I looove their outfits. They're just so beautiful! And what a hunk in the last photo.
love vanessa jackman and love that "unknown" pic! the look on her face is so good, she looks incredible! and yes, that hairstyle is a very elusive bugger! haha.
Romantic and rock...lovely!
the runway look is old-school sonia rykiel : )
love it.
wonderful pictures ! really inspiring !
I love that last picture. He has really great hair indeed!
I have not been on here in forever.. I have a good reason though, I've been doing this http://www.flickr.com/photos/47506746@N08/show/
I love almost all the styles...
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