i painted my nails this really awesome black purple. the picture doesn't do the color justice...it's not that black, it's a really deep, deep purple.
also, the jacket i have on in the picture is my favorite jacket right now. it's an 80s j. crew jean one that my mom gave me. hehe. it's perfect.
in other news, albert hammond jr. finally showed off his new line of suits, which are only 43 in number, sold at an exclusive boutique in hollywood, and are all around 2000 bucks. but wow, aren't they delicious?

so yeah, if you're a guy and you have $2000 and you can somehow get these suits, go for it. please. haha.
and I love your nail polish,
and if i were a guy, i would buy one of those suits,
and lovely post dear :)
I need to paint my nails nicely :D
I can't see your picture! But I have to say those suits look awesome.
Hahaha, damn rock stars and their clothing lines. The line must be drawn somewhere.
P.S. -Your hair + nails + jean jacket = supercute!
I loved the pictures.
coool ! :)
thaaanx :D
Haha I know, awesome inspiration :P
Take care
Sounds like an awesome nail color. I was just thinking about the nail polish colors that I currently love, and dark dark purple is one of them!
I read yr blog and then I look down at my nails... ewwwwwww.... okie, time to do something abt it. btw, love the jacket. purrrrrrfect!
Those suits are effing amazing!
I love when my nails are painted in dark colors!!! :)
i really like the idea of black, purple nails. sounds lovely.
i really like the denim jacket as well. i have been really wanting one!
amazing nails, we are obsessed with matt nails at the moment!
Cool blog, we'll definitely be back!
Come follow us at TBAG <3 xx
Have a lovely weekend :) x
That second suit looks so beautiful. Oooh totally loving your jacket! Hope you're having a fabulous weekend :)
oooo!!! wonderful!! by boyfriend-ish guy needs a suit right now for this interview. maybe... he can get one of these! haha just kidding, but i wish... they are so beautiful! if i was guy i would want one so badly.
oh, i forgot to tell you : LOVE the nail polish. deep purples are my absolute faaaavorite, always.
my boyfriend would love one of those suits! he loves the strokes too but unfortunately does not have $2000 to spend on a suit haha
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