(tennessee! she's adorable)
via nude lumiere and garance doré.
wow, i hate to keep apologizing every time i post, but i've been so busy lately. my first huge paper of the year was due this past friday, and this weekend i was away.
this dress is just so gorgeous. if i can save up $70, i'm getting it!
this week might be a little less hectic. thanks for bearing with me!
Always good to see Tennessee looking so damn adorable. When she and Jared Followill of Kings of Leon were dating, it was basically too much to handle.
I love all the pics here. Hope the paper went well.
well thank you! you're so sweet.
i brush my teeth A LOT, too. my boyfriend makes so much fun of me, but i don't care, haha. i normally brush at least three time a day, and most of the time it's actually five.
anyway, love these photos you shared! and those tights with the big, black hearts are awesome! they remind me kind of of japanese street style.
I complete love your blog.
Keep on with that.
Yum at the macaroons and I am absolutely loving that UO dress! Hope you're having a beautiful weekend :)
loving the Chanel rings!
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