my hair looked exactly like that...minus the bangs. ahhhh. oh well. my short hair isn't hot in the summers. and i can wear gigantic bows without looking silly. and...i can compare my haircut to men's haircuts, which brings me amusement. eh.
in other news...i saw a little girl at a restaurant today, and she was dressed wonderfully. she had a cute little haircut like this:
it looked like agyness' hair, not albert's. haha.
and she wore a white shirt that had a little bow attached to it at the collar, and a BEAUTIFUL white, sparkly tutu, and white leggings, and silver mary janes. AH. it was perfection. i wanted to be her, hahah.
i love tutus. they are so lovely. they make me very, very happy. there's this picture of me as a 3-year-old being held by my (really stylish) mother after my ballet recital. i'm wearing a gigantic blue tutu and i look SO CUTE. i actually kind of had eleanor hair..haha. i guess my style has not changed since i was 3. except...when i was 9-11, i didn't dress too well. what preteen that goes to a crazy private school does, though? especially one that is surrounded by preteen fake-purse-loving, makeup-addicted, mean little slutty brats...haha. yes. that is how i view my 4th and 5th grade peers. but when i turned 12, i threw out all the preppy stuff, and became my own person. hooray.
anyway, you can thank my mother for my love of fashion. she has always been stylish and classy-she was a fashion design student! she changed her major to textiles, because her professors hated her designs. yet her designs were trends that were extremely popular in the 90s, and even today! she dressed me very well. i was constantly in little sailor outfits and beautiful empire-waist dresses. and never pants. hmm, sounds like what i wear now. haha. and now that she's older, she dresses even better. a very, very classy lady indeed. a bit like audrey hepburn in her older days. or jackie kennedy, even.
i suppose this implies that my mother is old-she is not. at all. haha. she's only 43, but, while most 40-year-olds dress like they are 20, she dresses her age. she loves florals, knee-length skirts, nice socks, beautiful sundresses, and pretty blouses. she has influenced me immensely. hooray for beautiful, strong mothers! hooray for my dad, too. he is as classy as she is. only with a more dorky, elvis costello twist. yeah, that's it; elvis costello..when he was younger and much skinnier.
ah. anyway, i suppose i've gotten inspiration again. hallelujah!
I'd love to be able to have short hair. I think it looks great, but on me it's uncontrollable. My hair's quite long I suppose.
I remember when I was 11 I got sick of it being so long and just took scissors straight acorss it. It was at my shoulders. My Mum was hysterical. Still, it grew back quick.
Pixie cuts always make me tempted to chop off my hair again, but I must resist!
totally, totally miss long hair as well.. youve probably gathered that from how i mention it in like, every post. youre so lucky about your mum being so fashionable! My mum always dresses nicely and looks great in what she wears, but I cant talk fashion with her - which doesnt really bother me.
yay for being inspired again!
Brooke xx
Your mother sounds absolutely fantastic dear :) And I am so fickle about my hair, it has been a medium length for ages, I'm too scared to cut it short or grow it out long!
Oh gosh, I frequently worry about cutting my hair because I don't want to miss my long hair, yknow? Like, I want to try this kicking little bob but I have an emotional attachment to this stuff coming out of my head!
Ps: thanks for the little shout in the post below, it made me grin in the middle of the cafeteria and now everyone's staring at me! Haha
I love love love well dressed little girls, they always look so cute and adorable! It's been so long since I've had long long long hair, I'm trying really hard to grow it but I always get bored before anything spectacular happens and lop it all off. x
I recently cut my luscious brunette waves and I'll admit that I'm missing them as well...on the upside, at least my shorter hair is easier to manage!
The thing you wrote about your illness, I understand. So frequently I hear misconceptions and teachers won't extend deadlines because I'm "tired"... the tiredness after a seizure is not experienced by a typical human being... seriously... Stay strong!
I LOVE tutus but I'm terrified of getting a pixie cut haha.
haha, the girl sounds so cute...i love tutus as well. my friends and i have planned a tutu day for the summer. i need to buy an aa leotard for the event.
i kind of agree about fashion week. i think last september's was worse though; i hated s/s 09 for milan. bleh.
i totally agree...who wouldn't love those shoes...!
and thanks for your b-day wishes. maybe it may be unfortunate to you, but i changed my song to an andrew bird...hopefully you like him...
oh i wish i had long hair, but short hair is so great, and bows are wonderful wonderful wonderful! I love aggys hair!
i love agyness & albert together, they're just so stylish!
great post!
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