something that makes me feel absolutely wonderful-seeing men in shorts-suits. ah, they always look so put-together and lovely. i think i've expressed before how much i love seeing guys who are dressed better than i am. haha. anyway, these outfits answer a difficult question: what do you (meaning men) wear when it's too hot for a suit? my friend brought this question up last night as the high was 89 degrees fahrenheit (in new york, of course, not where i live haha) and he had to dress up. this is a really great way to dress up and still look absolutely dapper. in fact, i get so tired of seeing suits, i would be ecstatic if more guys wore this. i can see how it would be considered juvenile and immature for some older men, but maybe this trend can be accepted soon?
another solution for wearing a suit when it's hot outside is wearing light colors (such as white or light blue) or linen suits. also, it looks really chic when men cuff their pants. i know it doesn't provide much relief from the heat, but it does look a little less stuffy.

pascal g and the sart.
obviously i'm on a mission to make men dress better. i think they have just as many options to dress well, only they haven't been open to trying. a lot of guys dress well but they seem to stick to familiar clothes and styles; it's nice when i see them branching out. like i've said before, one of my favorite things about fashion is the risks one can take. wearing something new and unfamiliar (and perhaps strange) is really fun and interesting. variety is the spice of life, right?
I love men in blazers.
i love the whole menswear thing. i always lean more towards the androgynst thing than super-girly.
Yes, variety is the spice. But I think the strong gender roles we place on society make men feel "weak and feminine" if they take a noticeable interest in clothes...still, a strong man can rock a great look with confidence. :)
yes, more dandies please!!
girls are way more accepting of different styles - if any guy I know showed up to a social event looking like any of these guys - the rest of them would pay him out so much... thats why guys dont like experimenting! plus, hardly any of them are interested. My boyfriend owns about 30 t shirts and ten pairs of shorts, various jumpers/jackets and one suit. Sport is way more interesting for them, haha.
But I agree with the clothes horse - a strong man can look good like this... confidence (and non-judgemental friends!) is key. love the pictures :)
I think us hetero guys have a hard time, because there is still an odd stigma attached to caring about how we look. Within society recent generations have been brought up with set gender roles, which say men should be burly 'real men', who don't care for their looks and are helpless around the house. I think the stereotype is easy to fall into, because it is the accepted norm. I don't think that an interest in fashion makes me or anyone else less of a man, quite the opposite in fact lol. And there is always an excuse to rock a suit!!
paaascal :-)
Oh man, I NEVER see guys dressed like this. It kinda makes me sad.
hello lydia!
Love it! I think according to most people's standards, this would be total geek wear... but I personally fin a man dressed this way ultra sexy! hah!
haha! phlef is indeed a good one.
and menswear can be so cute! i love these picture choices (:
thanks lydia 4 your comment!
agreed, totally classic picture of jules.
and i think you'd be quite interested in seeing this, if you haven't already:
i think menswear is booming now, i just feel it, and yes, variety variety, if only all men are fashionably conscious. ;)
your style is so sick...
Hey! I know I've already commented on this post but just wanted to thank you for the comment you made on my post today - it absolutely made my day! It was so sweet and youre so gorgeous and beautiful yourself and if you ever come to Sydney then the classiest person here (hehe) is taking you out to explore the city and buying you dinner!
love love
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